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Welcome to the website of the
European Structural and Investment Funds
in Cyprus for the period 2014 -2020

The website of the Directorate General for European Programmes, Coordination and Development (DG EPCD) provides comprehensive information regarding the Operational Programmes ‘Competitiveness and Sustainable Development’ and ‘Employment, Human Resources and Social Cohesion’ that are co-financed by the European Structural and Investment (ESI) Funds in the period 2014–2020. 

Within this framework, the website provides a description of the system laying down the procedures and the involved bodies in the utilisation of the ESI Funds, provides access to useful documents and additional information sources, provides information about the funding opportunities offered through the Programmes and also presents examples of projects implemented.

Additionally, access is provided to websites of the other Programmes co-financed by the ESI Funds, namely the European Territorial Cooperation Programmes, the Operational Programme ‘Thalassa’ and the Rural Development Programme.    

The website aims at informing the general public, potential Beneficiaries, as well as bodies involved in the management, implementation, monitoring and control of the Programmes. Through a user friendly environment, visitors can navigate and reach the desired information.

News & Events


"Competitiveness and Sustainable Development"


"Employment, Human Resources and Social Cohesion"

Other Co-financed Programmes

Funding Opportunities

Calls for Proposals

Aiming at ensuring transparency and direct dissemination of information to potential Beneficiaries regarding the funding opportunities offered in the framework of the Operational Programmes “Competitiveness and Sustainable Development” and “Employment, Human Resources and Social Cohesion” with the co-financing of the European Structural and Investment Funds, all Calls for Proposals issued by the competent authorities, are uploaded in the current section of the Managing Authority’s website. 

Interested parties have the opportunity to search for Calls for Proposals by Operational Programme, and/or by thematic category (i.e. Entrepreneurship and SMEs’, Energy, Employment, Social Cohesion etc), and/or by category of Beneficiary (Enterprises, Universities, Local Authorities etc)

List of Operations

In order to ensure transparency concerning the support provided under the Operational Programmes“Competitiveness and Sustainable Development” and “Employment, Human Resources and Social Cohesion”, a list of the projects approved for financing is publicized. The list is updated in real time. The projects can be presented by Operational Programme, Fund, Priority Axis or Type of Project. For each project, basic information is displayed, such as Beneficiary name, short description, location and project cost. A further option is provided to allow the List of Projects to be exported in an Excel, CSV or JSON file, where information can be further sorted or compared.

Examples of Projects

This section presents examples of projects implemented in the framework of the Operational Programmes “Competitiveness and Sustainable Development” and “Employment, Human Resources and Social Cohesion” that are co-financed by the ESI Funds. For each project, relevant information is briefly presented, such as description/aim of the project, location, implementation period, total budget, contribution of the relevant ESI Fund and involved bodies.


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